I’m a UX & Product Designer Lead based in Barcelona

I've been working as a designer for over 13 years. I love using cognitive psychology to humanize technology and solve people's problems. I am a keen learner, team player, and enjoy taking on new challenges and side projects.

<aside> 👌🏻 Sep 22 - Current: Product Designer Lead at Caixabank Tech 🏦


Do you want to know more about me? Want to see how I work? Learn more at this link.

<aside> 🙋🏻‍♂️ An overview about me


<aside> <img src="https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/018/930/587/non_2x/linkedin-logo-linkedin-icon-transparent-free-png.png" alt="https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/018/930/587/non_2x/linkedin-logo-linkedin-icon-transparent-free-png.png" width="40px" /> Linkedin profile


<aside> 📖 Resume



My works

Selected works from UX Lead & Product Designer

Articles and Presentations

✍🏻 Articles

<aside> 🔥 Influence of Web Content Management Systems in Web Content Accessibility - Abstract


Validando un caso de uso como Product Designer, no como UX/UI.

UX y el circo: El vidente, el hombre orquesta, el malabarista y el adiestrador

Equipo de UX en una startup: Fase 1, Creación de la startup y el diseño de guerrilla

El equipo de diseño en una startup, fase 2 - Product Market Fit

UX Writer, el nuevo perfil UX

🧑🏻‍🏫  Presentations

Gente cercana del mundo UX, Xavier Cardet